
Starcraft remastered map editor waves
Starcraft remastered map editor waves

starcraft remastered map editor waves starcraft remastered map editor waves

They attack regardless of what the player does, meaning nothing the player does can "trigger" an unusual attack or prevent them from attacking.They always use their scripted rushes, without restrictions.They can start with one peon, or all the way up to a whole town. They make no assumptions on what they start with.They respond to attacks lazily, allowing the player some time to destroy structures and whittle the computer down in an effort to make the game fun and give the player a chance to win.These attacks start within minutes of the AI being started. When the end of the script is reached it begins to repeat a few set groups. They attack with periodic scripted force compositions regardless of what the player does.They are not interested in whether the player tries to expand.They have no scripted rushes and in fact do not try to kill the player.They build few peons and expect the map maker to have started them with a large pool of resources.They expect to start with a town and do not build, but rather rebuild, and only rebuild certain things considered to be very important, like barracks.They respond to attacks in the most aggressive way they can for they are trying to "win" and don't want the player to live.After that the player will get attacked whether they have expanded or not. If the player does not expand there are no scripted attacks for around 40 minutes.They try, if they can, to target expansions to prevent the player from getting out of where they started - "starving" the player while the AI expands, eventually building enough troops to take over the player's starting base. They attack when they see the player has expanded to a new base.It's unlikely these rushes will be used if the map maker has given the player any starting forces. They have some set, scripted rushes they will use, but only if there is a high chance it will end the game.They build lots of peons expecting only 50 minerals in the bank at the start, though more would be used if provided.They expand when their resources run low or when their script tells them to, whichever comes first.They expect to start with nothing, or at least a subset of what they would have built had they started with nothing.Here are some basics on how the custom AI scripts work: Exactly how do the custom AI scripts work?

Starcraft remastered map editor waves