
How to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack
How to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack

how to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack how to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack

If the player has a buddy equipped and they click on a spot to move the player's wizard to, and then clicks on a different spot before the wizard arrives at the first spot, the wizard will move to the second spot while their buddy stays at the first spot. Sometimes opponents, such as wizards or monsters will appear backwards in battle. Sometimes the leaderboard music also plays in the arena (Main). The player can stop this glitch from happening by going into the arena and going back out into Lamplight Town. Sometimes the arena music plays in Lamplight Town instead of the usual Lamplight Town soundtrack. This is a very strange glitch that only seems to happen with static shock, and it is currently unknown why it exists. Also, in some cases, if someone uses static shock and they are defeated in battle, they will stay facing backwards, shaking on the screen in the position they were in, often overlapping their allies when switched to. The user will start shaking after they use it, and if they switch to other pets, they can change their position in battle. This glitch happens whenever someone uses the spell Static Shock. When the player enters the style menu or style shop, it works for about 5–10 seconds and then the inactivity pop-up displays. If the player has the pencil setting on after they answer the question, they will still have the cursor that appears when they turned on the pencil setting. When they turn on that setting, their cursor takes on the shape of a black cross. When the player is answering a question, they can turn on a setting that allows them to draw with a pencil. This glitch happens on a computer, as only computers have cursors. This happens with Crystal Monsters hacked in as pets. Occasionally, objects like player faces display as a black square with a green border, and a green line through it. This can be fixed by exiting the area and coming back.

how to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack

This glitch sometimes occurs when the screen does not fully load and the player has no face even when it does load. This glitch is common and has happened many times, but a fix is not possible. This cannot be patched as it is caused by the user's device/internet. This is due to the loading of resources being timed out and the game cannot map placeholder text to the strings. Internet issues can cause chat phrases to be replaced with placeholder variables, e.g.

How to get free coins on prodigy prodigy level 100 hack